Reading at home

Before your child even starts to learn to read, you can help them by reading stories to them. Our school expects you to hear your child read at least 3 times a week and log it in their reading journal.


Reading to your child can have lots of benefits like building vocabulary, sharing quality time together and setting a bedtime routine.

Why read with your child video

We ask that you read to your child regularly. Your child will bring home a book from our school library that you can read to them. Joining the local library is free too. Once your child has finished RWI (Read,Write Inc) they are expected to choose books that they can read for themselves, but it can be nice to keep story time going even when they can read independently!

Here are some top tips for reading to your child/children:


If you are not confident reading to your child, please speak to a member of staff who may be able to sign post you to further support or you could try using our lovely audiobooks.

Once your child has learnt some sounds, they will start to bring home a ‘Read, Write, Inc.’ book or ditty to practise reading with you. Here is  a great video about hearing your child read. 

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