The school follows the Local Authority's process for admissions and oversubscription. Should you wish to appeal a decision made by the local authority you must contact the 'Admission and Appeals Team' at the local authority. Details on how to apply and for detailed information on arrangements, oversubscription criteria and explanations of what process parents need to follow are available from the following link:

Please note that all application forms are disbanded at the end of each academic year, you must re-apply if you wish to remain on the waiting list.

Nursery 30 hours FREE funding

Please click on the link below for more information and to see if you’re eligible for the free thirty hours funding.

Information on 30 hours of Nursery provision for Parents

We do not offer provision for two year olds.


 In-Year Admissions


An in-year admission application is made when your child needs to join our school outside of the normal admission round: for example, you have moved house and need a school closer to home.

To apply for a space at Yorkmead Junior and Infant School you must do the following:


  • Complete an in-year admission application form and ensure part 4 is completed by your child’s current Head Teacher. Application forms are available at your child's current school, at our school office or online
  • Bring the completed application to the school office with proof of your child’s date of birth (original copies of a birth certificate or a passport) and proof of your home address dated within the last three months.


Who processes your application form? In-year application forms are uploaded onto the Impulse Schools Portal and priority is set by whether a sibling is already attending Yorkmead, a child's specific vulnerabilities and distance from school.

When will parents be notified of the outcome? Upon receipt of an application, the school will aim to notify parents within 10 working days. If our school is full, children will be added to the waiting list for the current academic year.




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