For help and information about staying safe online for parents, guardians, carers and children, we encourage you to visit these helpful websites:

Parental Controls

Please see the documents at the bottom of this page which explain how to implement parental controls on a number of popular devices. If your device is not listed, please do contact Mr Eustace via the school office and he will endeavour to add a guidance document for you.

Our E-Safety Curriculum

At Yorkmead, we follow the ProjectEVOLVE toolkit for teaching children about online safety. 

What is ProjectEVOLVE? 

ProjectEVOLVE resources each of the 330 statements from UK Council for Internet Safety's (UKCIS) framework ’Education for a Connected World’ with perspectives, research, activities, outcomes, supporting resources and professional development materials. This framework covers knowledge, skills, behaviours and attitudes across eight strands of our online lives from early years right through to eighteen. These outcomes or competencies are mapped to age and progress. The statements guide educators to the areas that they should be discussing with children as they develop their use of online technology. 

The vibrant new content has been written by a team of experts at the UK Safer Internet Centre. It’s up to date, relevant and engaging and moves online life education into the third decade of the 21st century. 

Why ProjectEVOLVE? 

ProjectEVOLVE might not seem an exciting title for a toolkit but it does reflect the philosophy behind the project, we wanted to “evolve” the online safety messages that children and young people were being taught into something more appropriate, more meaningful, that encourages reflection, and that generates positive outcomes. 

Should you wish to learn more, the following link contains a series of videos from Ken Corish, the Project Lead for ProjectEVOLVE: 


Parental Control Guidance


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