If you have any concerns or suggestions or wish to make a complaint, please do get in touch with us.  We aim to work successfully with all our school community for the benefit of our children; therefore, communication with us is important, especially when you feel that something is not as good as it could be. 

We will listen to you and do all we can to answer questions, allay your concerns and put right that which may have gone wrong. 

If you have a concern, please try, in the first instance, to resolve it with the class teacher or the school office. If your concern is unresolved or is about the class teacher or school office, please do contact the Headteacher. 

The Headteacher is always willing to see parents and under normal circumstances, an appointment is not necessary.  Mr Newman-Smith operates an ‘Open Door’ policy and he would much prefer you to come and speak to him directly about a concern, rather than worry about it, perhaps unnecessarily. 

If this proves unsatisfactory, please contact the Chair of the Governing Body, Mrs Barbara Marsh, via the school office.  If you are unable to resolve a concern with school staff, or the Governing Body, you have the right of access to a formal complaints procedure and should, in the first instance, address your query to the local authority:  South Area Support Manager, Education Office, Margaret Street, Birmingham, B3 3BU.  

If you feel you have suffered an injustice through the Local Education Authority’s administration of your complaint, you may take your case to the Ombudsman or you could contact your MP. 

A copy of the authority's complaints procedure can be obtained here 

Model Policy for Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints


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